TorBrowser su Debian 10

TorBrowser su Debian 10TorBrowser su Debian 10

Tor (acronimo di The Onion Router) è un sistema di comunicazione anonima per Internet basato sulla seconda generazione del protocollo di rete di onion routing. Tramite l’utilizzo di Tor è molto più difficile tracciare l’attività Internet dell’utente; difatti l’uso di Tor è finalizzato a proteggere la privacy degli utenti, la loro libertà e la possibilità di condurre delle comunicazioni confidenziali senza che vengano monitorate.  Per installare TorBrowser su Debian 10 Buster:

Aggiungere i repository backport:

# printf "deb buster-backports main contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buster-backports.list
# apt update


# apt -t buster-backports install torbrowser-launcher tor tor-geoipdb torsocks

Workaround errore black screen all’avvio:

# nano /etc/apparmor.d/local/torbrowser.Browser.firefox

ed aggiungere:

owner /{dev,run}/shm/org.mozilla.*.* rw,
# reboot

poi lanciare tor:

$ torbrowser-launcher

TorBrowser su Debian 10

enjoy 😉


TorBrowser su Debian 9 Stretch


TorBrowser su Debian 9 Stretch

TorBrowser su Debian 9 Stretch

Tor (acronimo di The Onion Router) è un sistema di comunicazione anonima per Internet basato sulla seconda generazione del protocollo di rete di onion routing. Tramite l'utilizzo di Tor è molto più difficile tracciare l'attività Internet dell'utente; difatti l'uso di Tor è finalizzato a proteggere la privacy degli utenti, la loro libertà e la possibilità di condurre delle comunicazioni confidenziali senza che vengano monitorate.  Per installare TorBrowser su Debian Stretch si possono utilizzare due strade:

Repository Backports:

# printf "deb stretch-backports main contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stretch-backports.list
# apt update
# apt install torbrowser-launcher -t stretch-backports

Repository torproject:

# printf "deb stretch main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tor.list
# gpg --keyserver --recv A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89
# gpg --export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | sudo apt-key add -
# apt-get install tor

avviare tor e partirà l'installazione. Nel caso si bloccasse su "signature verification", avviare dal menu Tor Browser Launcher Settings e cambiare server.

TorBrowser su Debian 9 Stretch

enjoy 😉


Debian Squeeze con Tor Polipo e TorButton



Per avere un buono anonimato in rete, servono tre strumenti, due presenti in ogni repository, Tor e Polipo, e l'altro è un addons per i browser Firefox/iceweasel oppure Chrome.




# apt-get install tor polipo




# nano /etc/polipo/config


e configurarlo/copiarlo come questo:


### Basic configuration
### *******************
## Replace with the default polipo.conf file in /etc/polipo/config

# Uncomment one of these if you want to allow remote clients to
# connect:

# proxyAddress = "::0"        # both IPv4 and IPv6
# proxyAddress = ""    # IPv4 only

proxyAddress = ""
proxyPort = 8118

# If you do that, you'll want to restrict the set of hosts allowed to
# connect:

# allowedClients = ","
# allowedClients = ","

allowedClients =
allowedPorts = 1-65535

# Uncomment this if you want your Polipo to identify itself by
# something else than the host name:

proxyName = "localhost"

# Uncomment this if there's only one user using this instance of Polipo:

cacheIsShared = false

# Uncomment this if you want to use a parent proxy:

# parentProxy = ""

# Uncomment this if you want to use a parent SOCKS proxy:

socksParentProxy = "localhost:9050"
socksProxyType = socks5

### Memory
### ******

# Uncomment this if you want Polipo to use a ridiculously small amount
# of memory (a hundred C-64 worth or so):

# chunkHighMark = 819200
# objectHighMark = 128

# Uncomment this if you've got plenty of memory:

# chunkHighMark = 50331648
# objectHighMark = 16384

chunkHighMark = 67108864

### On-disk data
### ************

# Uncomment this if you want to disable the on-disk cache:

diskCacheRoot = ""

# Uncomment this if you want to put the on-disk cache in a
# non-standard location:

# diskCacheRoot = "~/.polipo-cache/"

# Uncomment this if you want to disable the local web server:

localDocumentRoot = ""

# Uncomment this if you want to enable the pages under /polipo/index?
# and /polipo/servers?.  This is a serious privacy leak if your proxy
# is shared.

# disableIndexing = false
# disableServersList = false

disableLocalInterface = true
disableConfiguration = true

### Domain Name System
### ******************

# Uncomment this if you want to contact IPv4 hosts only (and make DNS
# queries somewhat faster):
# dnsQueryIPv6 = no

# Uncomment this if you want Polipo to prefer IPv4 to IPv6 for
# double-stack hosts:
# dnsQueryIPv6 = reluctantly

# Uncomment this to disable Polipo's DNS resolver and use the system's
# default resolver instead.  If you do that, Polipo will freeze during
# every DNS query:

dnsUseGethostbyname = yes

### HTTP
### ****

# Uncomment this if you want to enable detection of proxy loops.
# This will cause your hostname (or whatever you put into proxyName
# above) to be included in every request:

disableVia = true

# Uncomment this if you want to slightly reduce the amount of
# information that you leak about yourself:

# censoredHeaders = from, accept-language
# censorReferer = maybe

censoredHeaders = from,accept-language,x-pad,link
censorReferer = maybe

# Uncomment this if you're paranoid.  This will break a lot of sites,
# though:

# censoredHeaders = set-cookie, cookie, cookie2, from, accept-language
# censorReferer = true

# Uncomment this if you want to use Poor Man's Multiplexing; increase
# the sizes if you're on a fast line.  They should each amount to a few
# seconds' worth of transfer; if pmmSize is small, you'll want
# pmmFirstSize to be larger.

# Note that PMM is somewhat unreliable.

# pmmFirstSize = 16384
# pmmSize = 8192

# Uncomment this if your user-agent does something reasonable with
# Warning headers (most don't):

# relaxTransparency = maybe

# Uncomment this if you never want to revalidate instances for which
# data is available (this is not a good idea):

# relaxTransparency = yes

# Uncomment this if you have no network:

# proxyOffline = yes

# Uncomment this if you want to avoid revalidating instances with a
# Vary header (this is not a good idea):

# mindlesslyCacheVary = true

# Suggestions from Incognito configuration
maxConnectionAge = 5m
maxConnectionRequests = 120
serverMaxSlots = 8
serverSlots = 2
tunnelAllowedPorts = 1-65535


La configurazione di default per Torbutton dovrebbe essere già così:


Proxy HTTP :  Porta :  8118
Proxy SSL : Porta : 8118
Host SOCKS : Porta : 9050
flag su SOCKS v5


per iniziare ad utilizzare tor e polipo::


# /etc/init.d/tor start
# /etc/init.d/polipo start


avviare torbutton e verificare l'anonimato quà e quà.



enjoy 😉